JoinedPosts by rebelfighter
November 2015 Awake
by username inok. when i first looked at the cover of this issue of awake i was instantly struck on how creepy it looked.
my first impressions were the picture looked almost masonic in nature.
well, further investigation has led me to another picture that shows a grand masonic hall.
CultBgone, just a personal thing with me. I am and have been involved with the Masonic community for over 40 years, it is not a religion. It is very much a charity organization and the "Elder " just was all over my case how he found it wrong. We just do so much for kids and treat kids so differently then the JWS. -
On a need to know basis - The Letter
by no-zombie inwe've just had our sunday meeting and the letter was read out to the congregation.. however, there was no mention of the bethel lay-offs or the building program shut-downs.. looks like we are on a need to know basis, here in australia..
If I remember correctly this is the only place you get accurate JW news. JW dot ORG filters the news so that it is only HAPPY HAPPY news.
Heavens do you expect anything like honesty, like that upcoming lesson I think in the January meeting.
Rant over!
November 2015 Awake
by username inok. when i first looked at the cover of this issue of awake i was instantly struck on how creepy it looked.
my first impressions were the picture looked almost masonic in nature.
well, further investigation has led me to another picture that shows a grand masonic hall.
CultBgone, I am sure the way they see it now is no involvement with the Masonic community because the entire time I was seeing the "Elder " I was getting "you need to give up your involvement in the masonic community blah, blah, blah" .... "the way I read the bible. ...." And of course it was going in one ear and out the other, it just made me get more involved.
November 2015 Awake
by username inok. when i first looked at the cover of this issue of awake i was instantly struck on how creepy it looked.
my first impressions were the picture looked almost masonic in nature.
well, further investigation has led me to another picture that shows a grand masonic hall.
You would be very surprised how the Masonic organizations are not as secretive as you are led to believe. To become a member is very easy. And we do not approach you, you must have a desire to become a member.
Meetings are closed unless you are a member and our financial records are not revealed to the general public BUT at the annual meeting the budget comes up for a vote of the ENTIRE membership. All of our money comes from dues and donations and is spent on maintaining the buildings and all of the charities.
The majority of the charities are based on children. The largest being The Shriner's Hospitals.
November 2015 Awake
by username inok. when i first looked at the cover of this issue of awake i was instantly struck on how creepy it looked.
my first impressions were the picture looked almost masonic in nature.
well, further investigation has led me to another picture that shows a grand masonic hall.
I read somewhere that the founder of the JWS was a 33rd degree Master Mason. -
November 2015 Awake
by username inok. when i first looked at the cover of this issue of awake i was instantly struck on how creepy it looked.
my first impressions were the picture looked almost masonic in nature.
well, further investigation has led me to another picture that shows a grand masonic hall.
The emblem you find in some Masonic Lodges which is a Cross inside a Crown. If you go back to the original Watchtower publications it is on their cover, if I remember correctly in the upper left corner. -
November 2015 Awake
by username inok. when i first looked at the cover of this issue of awake i was instantly struck on how creepy it looked.
my first impressions were the picture looked almost masonic in nature.
well, further investigation has led me to another picture that shows a grand masonic hall.
The first picture is a church. The second is a Masonic Lodge, the difference is seating in a lodge is always on the north and south not in the center of the room as in a church. There will be no movement between the altar and the east. Anyone approaching the east will do so from the side but will not break the contact between the east line and the Bible. -
Cannot resist, did you read that first question in the brochure? How about practice what you preach GB? -
The Borg has given up!!!!
by Crazyguy init's become obvious in the last few days that the borg is done, done giving one dime over to the membership of the organization.
they know or have been told that it's a waste of time to spend money trying to recruit new members so their cutting all out lays of money in this regard to the bone.
they will continue to spend money where they can make a prophet, keeping the ones in, not thinking and donating.
I am not saying for sure these are all possible but any what ifs:
1. Brooklyn was financed top dollar at old say 1990's values and basically they have probably had to short sale the property.
2. They were most definitely counting on some significant financing on their big lakeside resort BUT now that it is a toxic dump site there is no financing in sight.
3. Add to #1 & #2 say maybe a few of their major donors did not OBEY during the ARC and they just figured out all the lying and child abuse and no longer want to be apart of Jehovah Witnesses.
What's the craziest thing someone INFORMED on you about?
by Londo111 inthe culture of jws as encouraged by the watchtower is one of informing on one another, reporting to either the elders or ones designated head.
whats the wackiest thing that someone reported on you?
im not talking about a black-and-white watchtower rule that would land you in a judicial committee, but some judgmental nonsense that someone thought they should turn you in about?.
WingCommander, I was going to say what you said but in a gentler way but I must admit I prefer your way!
Some of these recent threads I have absolutely no clue how anyone lasted beyond one month being a JW clothing, what you can and cannot do, people spying on you 24/7, give me a break.
Forty plus years ago this Rebel of a woman entered the business world and was not afraid of cleaning house and stepping on toes and I took down a few men who were forced into early retirement or outright fired for misbehaving. I cannot believe there are still women today who will allow men to walk all over them as reported on this board.